HEARING REQUESTfor protests, requests for redress, and reopening HEARING REQUEST for protests, requests for redress, and reopening Race Number Day/Date of Race MM DD YYYY Event/Series Type of Hearing Protest Redress Reopening Boat (Sail#/Name) -OR- Committee Boat or Committee Protesting or Requesting (Making allegation, claim, or request) Represented by Email * Mobile Phone (###) ### #### Boat (sail#/name) Protestee(s) or Committee/Body (Alleged to have broken a rule, or made an improper action or omission) Boat (sail#/name) Protestee(s) or Committee/Body (Alleged to have broken a rule, or made an improper action or omission) Boat (sail#/name) Protestee(s) or Committee/Body (Alleged to have broken a rule, or made an improper action or omission) Boat (sail#/name) Protestee(s) or Committee/Body (Alleged to have broken a rule, or made an improper action or omission) -OR- Committee/Body Protestee(s) or Committee/Body (Alleged to have broken a rule, or made an improper action or omission) For a protest only, informing the protestee How did you inform the other boat of your intent to protest? By hailing? By displaying a red flag? Some other way? If “Yes” when for hailing? (Include any words used) If “Yes” when for displaying a red flag? If “Yes” when for some other way? (include where/how?) The incident For a protest: When and where did it happen? (e.g. ½ way along first upwind leg, pre-start just below pin, etc.) The incident For protests, please describe the incident. For redress or reopening, please state the reasons. Rules alleged to have been broken Witnesses Please list by name Thank you! Your HEARING REQUEST has been submitted for review.