Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Carbon Monoxide poisoning has been in the news lately relating to boating. It is something we know exists but rarely put to the forefront of our safety considerations. There are probably more boating deaths that could be attributed to this poisoning than anyone knows. This may be because the symptoms are very similar to a long hot day on the water - headache, weakness, and sleepiness. The medical community, as well as law enforcement, is starting to ask more probing questions when boaters come off the water with these symptoms. Where was the person sitting on the boat? Was the engine running? Was the boat underway with a following breeze? We all know the exhaust is stinky but we forget it can be deadly. Be Careful!
For SSA, remember boats idling after setting a mark for your PRO is not environmentally friendly nor is it health friendly.
Below are two links. The first is a news story about a 17 year old on an outboard and the second is a link to the CDC (haven't we all spent too much time there with COVID?!) about CO poisoning and boating.