Blue Angels/Maiden
Watching the Blue Angels from SSA has always been a special activity. Our club arguably has the best view in town and we find members here enjoying the view for both the practice day and the the main event (held @ 2pm Wednesday of Commissioning Week @ USNA). This year was particularly special with the added bonus of Maiden docking at the club, offering tours, q & a’s and a special showing of their documentary. Tuesday’s Blue Angels practice ran late and coincided with members of our high school sailing teams coming for a tour of Maiden and a talk with the crew. Wednesday was full of activity with Eastport Elementary coming to tour Maiden, 2pm Blue Angels Show and tours of Maiden for our members. This year we asked members to share “their view” of the days and have included them below.

We are very fortunate to have some truly outstanding photographers as members. The two photos above (including the thumbnail photo) were taken by Susan Hale. She posts photos regularly on her Facebook page.
photos by Leah Burman
photos by Michael Hinrichs
photos by Jono Roberts
Junior Sailors: Casey and Trey Burman, Peter and Andrew Shingledecker, and Matthew and Mason Cook.
photo by Jen Cook
Lisa-Marie Lane
Mary Katherine Fowler
Maiden crew member, Amy, enjoyed showing SSA members around and shared what a typical day is like aboard this 58 footer.
photo by Amy Harris
Mike and Karen Beer
“My Favorite”
photo by Nicholas Draper
See more photos by Nicholas Draper HERE!